The newest update to the free-to-play action role-playing game features new costumes for each of the starring roles in the movie. From May 6th to May 26th, there will be several in-game events to allow players to feel like they’re a part of the universe. New costumes for Captain America and Iron Man have already been released in the game, and over the course of those twenty days additional movie inspired outfits will be added for Ant-Man, Black Widow, Black Panther, War Machine, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Spider-Man.

Also, look how cool the new opening to the game is:

The first part of the cross-promotional event kicks off with the villain Crossbones attacking the city patrol zones, culminating with a showdown with Crossbones in Madripoor that has its own in-game storyline and events. During this time, you can use the promo codes TEAMCAP or TEAMIRONMAN to unlock either one of these heroes for free. Choose wisely though, as you can only support one side.

The second phase starts on May 12th, and will have players facing off and choosing a team to earn bonuses for their respective side. Playing as any of the characters that appear in the movie also nets you bonus experience.

The final week from May 19th-26th will include all of the game-related content from the prior two weeks mashed together, as well as 150% bonus experience. It’s obvious the development teams have put a lot of hard work into this update, and the newer models for the characters look absolutely gorgeous. Here’s a high-resolution shot of the titular character.

I especially love the detail that went into where his pants meet his boots. The updated models definitely make the game feel much better than it’s original release with cartoon stylized models that just felt out of place in the world around them. I personally can’t wait for the Hawkeye, he’s so dreamy.