Warning: SPOILERS for The War of the Realms: Giant-Man #1

Marvel’s massive War of the Realms started with the murder of Loki, which shocked readers almost as much as his own mother Frejya, who was forced to watch as her adopted son was killed by his Frost giant father. Now, the All-Mother is out for revenge… and who better to hire than the biggest Avengers team–ever?

That’s the mission she begins in Giant-Man #1, recruiting heroes that can literally hide in plain sight among these gigantic beings: Ant-Man AKA Scott Lang, Giant-Man AKA Raz Malhotra, Goliath AKA Tom Foster, and Atlas AKA Erik Josten. What do these Avengers all have in common? They can all get tall. Really tall. Frost Giant tall. Freyja knew what she was doing putting this team together. And so the War of the Realms arrives at their biggest, bluest, and best team of superhero invaders yet.

The team dons some new clothes and blue paint, and anyone could easily mistake them for Frost Giants. Freyja has tasked them with getting revenge on Laufey by taking down Ymir, the first Frost Giant and “the God-Architect” of the primal Frost Giants. She blames him for building up the giants once more, which is what ultimately led to Loki’s death (even though it was at the hands of his father, Laufey). The guys start Operation: Storm the Castle to infiltrate Frost Giant territory, purchase supplies, get to Laufey’s stronghold–and do it all while undercover.

Of course they are not used to acting like Frost Giants, and when Goliath sees humans being enslaved, he cannot help but be the hero. He shrinks back down to normal size, and almost gets the rest of the team caught. Fortunately Scott thinks on his feet, and explains that Tom is his “human manservant.” Once out of the marketplace the team thinks they are concealed enough to flat-out argue, and run directly into some ice hounds. These hounds are specially bred to let Frost Giants know of any intruders – and they sound the alarm. This giant-sized Avengers team is left cornered up against what they call a “death wall” by some very angry ice hounds.

Will this giant Avengers team get out of this mess so they can serve justice for Queen Freyja, the All-Mother of Asguard? Or will they be lunch for the ice hounds? Find out in the continuation of this three part series, on sale May 29th!

Giant-Man #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics, and at your local comic shop.

MORE: Marvel’s WAR OF THE REALMS: What Readers Need to Know