How Did Mary Moon Die? Mary Parr Moon was born in June 1970 to John and Charlene Parr. The 31-year-old was portrayed just like a cherishing and caring individual. Mary was strict and had been hitched to Jay Moon at the hour of the episode; they married in October 1999. She was known to adore the outside and investing energy planting. Mary had gone to cosmetology school previously and functioned as a stylist at a nearby cantina when she died.

At around 1:30 PM on August 25, 2001, a man named Erik Anderson called 911 after seeing two ladies in an actual battle in a parking garage in Kerrville, Texas. Specialists on call observed Mary with four cut injuries; one of them pierced her heart. She was promptly raced to the emergency clinic yet later surrendered to her wounds. By then, at that point, the specialists previously had the aggressor in care.

Who Killed Mary Moon? The police had captured Mary’s more seasoned sister, Ana Weslene Hatton Roybal, then, at that point, around 37 years of age. Erik had expressed that he was driving by the 720 Club in Kerrville with his better half when he saw Mary and Ana in a squabble. As indicated by him, Ana discarded a blade and started fleeing when he went up against her. Erik pursued Ana and in the end found her inside the club, where he quelled her until the specialists showed up.

As a feature of the examination, the police started investigating Ana’s life and her relationship with Mary. As indicated by the show, Ana battled to keep a stable employment during her twenties and her family objected to her decisions. She had gotten pregnant, in the end bringing forth her child, Michael, in 1986. In any case, following that, Ana took off to California, passing on her grandparents to deal with her child. Before long, she lost guardianship of Michael.

After Ana and Mary’s mom died in 1995, Mary started dealing with Michael. In the years that followed, inconvenience and conflicts between the sisters finished in a deadly design. It was expressed on the show that Mary had sold their mom’s vehicle that was guaranteed to Ana and never gave her the cash. Ana then, at that point, blamed Mary for taking her government managed retirement checks and having intercourse with her ex, and allowing men to attack Michael.

The specialists discovered that Ana had met Mary at the neighborhood church prior and took a paring blade from that point. In a little while, Ana requested that her sister drop her off at the 720 Club. During the drive there, the sisters started contending, and the outrage bubbled over into an out and out battle in the parking area, with Ana cutting Mary. She was accused of homicide in September 2001.

Where could Ana Weslene Hatton Roybal Now be? Ana argued not blameworthy at her preliminary by reason of craziness. The protection gave proof that highlighted her past history of peculiar conduct. According to the show, Ana had been recommended medicine for schizophrenia and other psychological maladjustments. Specialists further affirmed that she was preposterous when the assault occurred. Notwithstanding, the jury viewed Ana to be liable of homicide, and in August 2002, she was condemned to 60 years in jail. Records demonstrate that Ana remains imprisoned at the Skyview Unit in Rusk, Texas. She will be qualified for parole in 2031.