In this list, we’ve outlined where and how to find each material and its crafting uses. A majority of the materials found here can be purchased from vendors, but there are a good few that can be picked up on foot or collected by defeating certain types of enemies.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined after scanning using the Nomad. Try looking for it on Eos and Kadara.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined on Voeld and Kadara.

Uses: Zalkin, Hesh, Lanat, Cyclone, Sandstorm, Charger, Sidewinder, Venom, Black Widow, Asari Sword, Remnant Cryo Gauntlet


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Voeld and Kadara.

Uses: Kett Carfalon, Kett Vakarsh, M-37 Falcon, Revenant, M-25 Hornet, M-3 Predator, N7 Eagle, N7 Crusader, N7 Piranha, Reegar Carbine, Vanquisher, Widow


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined after scanning using the Nomad. Try looking for it on Elaaden and Eos.

Uses: Scorpion, Talon, M-80 Indra, N7 Valiant, P.A.W.

Kett Alloy

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and acquired by defeating Kett or dismantling Kett weapons/armor. Try looking for it on Kadara.

Uses: Soned, Thokin, Zalkin, Rozerad, Dhan, Hesh, Lanat, Naladen, Kett Carfalon, Kett Vakarsh

Omni-Gel Canister

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and acquired by defeating Milky Way Exiles or dismantling Exiles weapons/armor.

Uses: Cyclone, M-37 Falcon, M-8 Avenger, M-96 Mattock, N7 Valkyrie, Revenant, Sandstorm, Carnifex, Charger, M-25 Hornet, M-3 Predator, M-5 Phalanx, N7 Eagle, N7 Hurricane, Scorpion, Sidewinder, Talon, Disciple, M-23 Katana, N7 Crusader, N7 Piranha, Reegar Carbine, Ruzad, Venom, Black Widow, Incisor, M-80 Indra, N7 Valiant, Raptor, Vanquisher, Viper, Widow, Angaran Firaan, Asari Sword, Biotic Amplifier, Krogan Hammer, Omni-Blade, Remnant Cryo Gauntlet


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Havarl.

Uses: Sweeper, Equalizer, Scattershot, Inferno

Remnant Polymer

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and acquired by defeating Remnant or dismantling Remnant weapons/armor.

Uses: P.A.W., Sweeper, Equalizer, Scattershot, Inferno, Shadow

Renderable Plates

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and acquired by hunting Adhi, Eirohcs, Taurgs, or Galorns.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Elaaden and H-047C.

Uses: Thokin, Omni-Blade, Shadow

Soft Chitin

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and acquired by hunting Spitbugs, Shemrys, and Pallads.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and found on Voeld and Kadara. You can also find it by orbital scan or in small amounts on foot.

Uses: Lanat, Charger, Venom, Kett Carfalon, Kett Vakarsh, Revenant, N7 Crusader, Widow, M-80 Indra, M-8 Avenger, M-5 Phalanx, M-23 Katana, Inferno, Rozerad


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. You can also find it in small amounts on foot.

Uses: Cyclone, Asari Sword, Remnant Cryo Gauntlet, M-25 Hornet, Reegar Carbine, M-96 Mattock, N7 Hurricane, Disciple, Raptor, Isharay, Thokin


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors. You can also find it by orbital scan or in small amounts on foot.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning.

Uses: Hesh, Sandstorm, Black Widow, N7 Eagle, N7 Piranha, Scorpion, N7 Valkyrie, Carnifex, Incisor, Biotic Amplifier, Krogan Hammer, Sweeper, Scattershot, Ushior, Electric Firaan, Shadow


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Havarl. You can also find it in small amounts on foot.

Uses: Zalkin, Sidewinder, M-37 Falcon, M-3 Predator, Vanquisher, Talon, N7 Valiant, P.A.W., Ruzad, Viper, Equalizer, Dhan, Naladen, Angaran Firaan, Omni-Blade


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. You can also find it in small amounts on foot.

Eiroch Fluid Sac

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and acquired by hunting Eirochs.

Uses: Soned


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Havarl, H-047C, and Voeld.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Kadara and H-047C.


Location: This mineral can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Eos.

Uses: Angaran Firaan, Asari Sword, Charger, Cyclone, Dhan, Electric Firaan, Equalizer, Hesh, Inferno, Isharay, Kett Carfalon, M-23 Katana, N7 Crusader, N7 Piranha, N7 Valiant, Naladen, Omni-Blade, P.A.W., Raptor, Remnant Cryo Gauntlet, Rozerad, Sandstorm, Scattershot, Sidewinder, Soned, Sweeper, Thokin, Ushior, Vanquisher, Venom, Viper, Zalkin

Element Zero

Location: This material can be purchased from vendors and mined using the Nomad after scanning. Try looking for it on Voeld and Elaaden.

Note: Please be aware that mining, scanning, and defeating enemies for materials isn’t the only way to get them. Check out our Crafting Guide if you’re looking for more ways to harvest them. If you’re looking to mod weapons in Mass Effect: Andromeda, we’ve also got a guide for that.

If you’ve found any other materials that you don’t see in the list above, please drop us a comment below and we’ll be sure to add them.