The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Spider-Man has been a fixture of pop culture ever since Tom Holland debuted his version of the character in 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. Since then, Holland has played the character a total of six times, recently capping off his first solo trilogy in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

As one of the most popular characters of all time, Spider-Man has also become the loving target of several viral memes from fans looking to bond over their mutual love for the Webslinger. Some of these memes are perfect encapsulations of the MCU Spider-Man’s lovable personality.

Tony’s Boy

Peter Parker and Tony Stark’s relationship was a central theme in the early days of the MCU’s Spider-Man, as the younger hero sought to learn everything he could from the one and only Iron Man. The two weren’t always on the same page, however, including when it came to showing physical affection, as Peter would learn the hard way at the beginning of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

This meme pokes fun at Peter’s very public love for Tony Stark while also pouring salt in the wound for fans that are still not quite over Peter’s temporary death at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. At this post’s center is the young hero’s enduring awkwardness, even, as it would seem, at the doors of death.

No Room For Sympathy

The third act of Spider-Man: Homecoming saw Peter Parker learn that his homecoming date’s father was actually the villainous Vulture, who smuggled alien technology to support his family. Despite Adrian Toomes’s somewhat understandable motives, Peter makes sure that his nemesis is securely locked away by the film’s end.

The moral ambiguity of men like Adrian Toomes doesn’t matter to Spider-Man. No matter how altruistic their motives, a villain is a villain in Peter Parker’s eyes, and they must receive justice, even if being the one to carry it out is painful. Even when he has a close connection to a villain, Peter knows that they must pay for their crimes.

“Secret” Identity

Peter Parker is one of the few MCU heroes to actively keep up a secret identity, separating his true self from his superhero work. However, no matter how hard he tries, the young hero can’t help but let his identity slip from time to time, causing the list of people who know his identity to grow at an exponential rate.

While No Way Home would eventually erase the world’s memories of Peter Parker and therefore restore his secret identity, the MCU’s Spidey remains the only live-action version of the character to have his identity leaked to the entire world. Although this circumstance wasn’t entirely his fault, the fact remains that, much like Tom Holland himself, the MCU’s Peter Parker has trouble keeping a secret.

Spider-Man, Spider-Man

It is no secret that Tom Holland is far from the first actor to wear the mantle of Spider-Man. The British actor is in fact the third to play the superhero in the last two decades alone, preceded by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. As a result, the fanbase has spent an egregious amount of time debating who the best cinematic version of Spider-Man really is.

While debates such as these can often be blown out of proportion, some fans have come to the realization that every rendition of the character is appealing in some way and should be treated equally. This became increasingly evident following No Way Home, which united the three Spider-Men, thereby bringing fans of Maguire, Garfield, and Holland together into one united fanbase.

The Ever-Important Stark Internship

After deliberately disobeying Tony Stark’s orders and nearly getting a ferry full of people killed, Peter Parker has his high-tech Stark suit taken away from him and his membership to the Avengers revoked. As a result, his public ruse of interning at Stark Industries, a metaphor for Peter’s apprenticeship under Stark, was also lost.

Losing Stark’s trust was one of the worst things that ever happened to the MCU’s Spidey, and the pain on his face thereafter clearly showed how torn he was as a result. Tony Stark’s approval meant everything to Peter and he would do anything it took to win the elder hero back.

Reboot Pains

As is the case with any reboot of a popular franchise, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man received numerous complaints from fans who believed the new take on the character was lacking in certain areas. The most notable of these were complaints from fans wondering why Uncle Ben, an important aspect of Spider-Man’s origin story, is never directly mentioned in the MCU.

A lack of Uncle Ben has become a definitive feature of the MCU’s Spider-Man, boggling the minds of longtime fans of the character. However, this important facet of the Webhead’s story has recently been filled in, as one of the many major implications from No Way Home’s ending proposed that the MCU’s Peter is motivated by the death of May, not Ben.

Collateral Damage

One thing that makes the MCU’s version of Spider-Man so different from other variants of the character is his suit, which is far more high-tech than most other costumes worn by the teenage superhero. Though this has drawn criticism from some fans, the Stark suit served Peter well while he still used it, making it one of his top priorities as a superhero.

Much of Peter’s early stories in the MCU have revolved around his relationship with his suits, as he was forced to rely on his own abilities rather than the suits themselves in order to defeat whatever threat was at hand. This storyline would come to a satisfying ending as well, as Peter would eventually get one of the most comics-accurate (and simplest) suits in the MCU so far.

Love Yourself

With the multiverse storyline well underway in the MCU, certain characters therein have had the unique opportunity to meet the variants of themselves from other realities. While certain groups of variants, like the Lokis, have attempted to betray and murder one another, others, like the Spider-Men, have quickly formed brotherly bonds.

Spider-Man has always been a caring and loving individual, who doesn’t feel threatened by the existence of other versions of himself but is instead strengthened by their presence. This is because, in the end, he isn’t afraid of not being unique, but merely wants to be the best hero he can be, even if it takes more experienced versions of himself to help him get there.

Don’t Ask

Like many of his peers, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is rarely seen without a phone on hand. While this is not unexpected for someone of his age, even a superhero, the question does remain as to where he keeps that phone while wearing his skin-tight and pocketless Spidey suit.

As the first Generation-Z version of Spider-Man adapted for the big screen, Peter Parker conforms to several of the stereotypes associated with the younger generation, including constant phone usage. This small tendency for the teenage superhero to always have a phone on hand is quite distinctive of Holland’s version, setting him apart from Maguire or even Garfield in that regard.

A True Hero

Spider-Man is one of the greatest superheroes of all time and has only grown in popularity since his debut sixty years ago. Holland’s version continues the important trend of portraying the hero as a regular kid who happens to have greatness thrust upon him, thereby becoming a superhero for the ages.

Much like every version that came before, the MCU’s Spider-Man doesn’t search for greatness, but he isn’t afraid of it either. When opportunities to grow and become stronger arrive at his doorstep, he does not back down, but instead rises to the occasion, achieving the greatness that he never desired, yet always deserved.

A Bit Spoiled

One Reddit user has a bit of fun regarding the MCU Spider-Man’s various toys and trinkets, pointing out that his supervillains wouldn’t stand a chance against the full power of Peter’s many Stark Tech weapons, which would render any of his enemies useless at a moment’s notice.

A common criticism of the MCU’s version of Spider-Man has been his high-tech gear, which many fans believe spoils the character and keeps him from reaching his true potential. While this complaint is well-founded, the events of No Way Home change Peter’s position greatly, leaving him with nothing but his own skill and a homemade suit.

Various Variants And A Well-Known Meme

Spider-Man: No Way Home gives fans plenty of “Peter-time,” as three Peter Parker variants from across the multiverse unite. While the “More Fun Stuff Version” includes even more scenes of all three Peter Parkers, many fans’ favorite moment will still be when all three pointed at one another, recreating a classic meme in the process.

As controversial as certain renditions of Peter Parker have been among Marvel fans, the character will always be one that modern culture holds dearly. Fans would learn to love all three live-action versions of Spider-Man in No Way Home, uniting the fanbase in love for Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland.

It’s Complicated

The character of Spider-Man is one that is incredibly important to many people from all around the world. As such, the superhero’s fans feel very strongly about how he is depicted on the big screen. While Tom Holland’s Peter Parker has been generally well-received, one Redditor illustrates the many different ways that fans view his version of the character.

This post highlights the positive and negative viewpoints toward Holland’s Spider-Man, including several different dimensions of his character. It also brings to light the important fact that fans will never be fully united behind any version of the beloved character, as the situation is far too complicated for unanimous approval or disapproval.

Growing Into The Role

One Redditor has some fun with an infamous scene from Avengers: Endgame wherein Scott Lang is accidentally turned into a baby while testing his time travel theory. They compare MCU fans’ reactions to Tom Holland’s casting as Spider-Man, many of whom had protested his youth compared to previous renditions of the character.

Though many were skeptical of so young a Spider-Man, Holland’s young age brought new life to the character, perfectly bringing to life the same energy present in the early days of his comic book history. And, as many suspected, his version of the character grew more mature with the years, culminating in one very selfless and bold decision at the end of No Way Home.

Winning Them Over

It was inevitable that many fans would be resistant to yet another new version of Spider-Man when he was introduced to the MCU in 2016. While many viewers remained unimpressed by the latest franchise starring the signature Wallcrawler, No Way Home seems to have allayed such tensions, with most fans rallying behind Holland’s Peter Parker, excited to see where the future takes him.

The MCU’s Spider-Man is a character whose future possibilities are truly endless. As the ending of No Way Home perfectly illustrates, there is no shortage of stories that can be told involving the superhero, who is sure to have a leading role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe moving into the Multiverse Saga and beyond.